Launch of our new report “Speaking and Listening: A report on the experiences of Refugee families in education”

On Thursday 18th November we launched our new report “Speaking and Listening: A report on the experiences of Refugee families in education”.

The result of months of work by our Operations and Campaigns Manager Alex Kempton, the report’s primary purpose is to raise the voices of project participants and their experiences in a way that may not be otherwise available to them. In doing this, our aim is to open a dialogue with local schools and educationalists about the experiences of those seeking refuge, and to find ways in which we can support the schools in improving these experiences.

The launch event was well attended, with a mix of classroom teachers and members of Senior Leadership Teams, alongside educationalists from charities and consultancy organisations.

The main focus of the evening was to present the findings of the report and to get feedback from those in attendance on the ways in which we can work together to raise attainment, improve parental experiences and improve the overall education outcomes for children and young people from refugee backgrounds.

Although the event marked the launch of the finished report, it was the start of the process of dialogue and change, one which we will be continuing over the coming months with local schools.

The report can be purchased as a pdf file from our shop, for a contribution of £2.00

Any schools which are interested in working with us, either to deliver CPD to teachers and senior leaders, or to engage with young people directly, should contact Alex at

We would like to thank all those who came last night, as well as the Hastings Museum and Art Gallery for generously hosting the event and to Liban Coast for their high quality catering of the event.

You can find out more about this report, and others we have wrriten here


Press Statement November 30th 2021


Rossana Leal’s Story